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You are here: Information & History | Family History - Introduction

Family History Introduction
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School Records
Family History - Introduction

As is the case for any rural village in Scotland, a community is built on its peoples spirit, resourcefulness and character. This Stonehouse possesses in abundance, ensuring today, an active, thriving community, working together in the furtherance of recreational, charitable and traditional events, such as the Gala Day and the Agricultural Show.

This has been achieved through consultation, commitment and respect for one another, in working for the benefit of all. This community spirit can be evidenced throughout the years, in the local press cuttings and the statistical accounts of the parish. These date back to 1710, when Stonehouse was fortunate to have proprietors who were willing to work in unison with the people, improving farming methods, village facilities and services throughout the parish.

The inhabitants of Stonehouse have shown great skill and ability to adapt to the social and industrial changes in Scotland through the centuries. A multi-talented, able and willing people, they were very much self sufficient until the end of the 19th century. A community in the purest sense of the word, they were reliant on one anothers abilities and success. The inhabitants took a greater interest in the affairs of the village, through its civic organisations, such as the Cooperatives, the Mutual Improvement Association, School Board, Gas Light Company and the Parish Council.

In areas such as the sanitation and the introduction of gas lit streets, Stonehouse was ahead of many other neighbouring villages at the time. Our central location availability of plentiful resources, such as coal, lime, sandstone, water and good farming land, ensured Stonehouse possessed all the natural resources and strategic needs for a successful community.

This chapter highlights the diversity in employment and the changes through the industrial revolution, as well as looking at the families history records that have assisted in building a better picture of the people who have ensured Stonehouse's progress.

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